Search is an important tool, which can help you in creation of your intellectual property right (IPR), during R&D phase, pre-filing phase as well as post-grant phase of a lifecycle of your IPR.
Before adopting, applying for registration and starting using a new trademark you need to make sure that this trademark can be registered, that it will not be refused on absolute grounds, that it will be able to ensure you sufficient scope of protection. Also you need to check whether this new trademark will not infringe other person's earlier rights to avoid unnecessary litigation or negotiations on co-existence of trademarks.
Prior to starting research and development it is advisable to check situation with state of the art in patent registers. It might happen that someone has already tried to solve similar or even the same problem before. State of the Art search can help you to save time and get information on how others solved this problems, what are the advantages or disadvantages of particular way of solving certain problem.
Before filing patent application it is very recommended to perform novelty search and seek provisional opinion on patentability of your invention. This can help you to safe money and often to improve your application increasing chances to get a patent.
Patent search is also a good tool for monitoring activities of your competitors. Searching by inventor's name or company name sometimes may help you to find out some unknown facts about your competotor.
Regular post-registration searches will help you to monitor situation in trademark registers warning you about confusingly similar trademark applied for registration and allowing to timely oppose such colliding right.
We propose to check novelty of your invention, availability for use and registration of a trademark. We will be happy to provide you search results with our legal opinion on patentability of an invention, availability for use and registration of a trademark.
We also conduct equivalence searches to identify and check status of a patent family member; industrial designs searches and other searches.